"Our houseworker, Esther Diarra, and her family are currently going through a very difficult time. Their ten year-old son never returned home from school the day before yesterday, and there has been no word from him since. They along with many in their church have been asking everyone they know, and looking everywhere. Radio stations have also been making announcements concerning the disappearance of Emmanuel (goes by the name "Baba.) He attends the deaf school in Niamakoro and lives close by. If you hear anything about where he might be, please let us know. At this point they have no leads. Please pray for this family, and for Emmanuel. We are really hurting for all of them.
Det steg mange bønner opp til Gud for denne gutten det neste døgnet, både her i Bamako men også mange andre steder. I dag fikk vi denne mailen da vi kom hjem fra jobb:
"We have WONDERFUL news! Emmanuel has come home! In hearing the details of what has happened, there is no doubt that God worked on behalf of the hundreds of people who were praying. We do not yet know all the details, but Emmanuel had in fact been kidnapped. He was taken by motorcycle to another area where he was tied up. At some point last night the man/ men decided that they didn't want him, and dropped him off in the area where he had been taken from. By now it was dark, and he had no idea where he was. This morning someone found him crying, realized that he was lost, and drove the streets trying to find his home. They first came upon the place where they had recently moved from, where people told him how to get to where he is currently living. I can only imagine the reunion when this man brought their son home to them this morning! He was scared, tired, hungry and dehydrated, but also ALIVE and HOME!
Vi gleder oss sammen med våre venner. Gutten bor i nabolaget til skolen vår, og det hele kom ganske nært på oss. Kidnapperne ville selge ham som "slave", men da de skjønte at han ikke kunne snakke (Emmanuel er døv), ville de kvitte seg med ham. Vær fortsatt med og be for ham og familien hans (maliere) etter det de har vært gjennom.